Tips To Remember When Making Scented Candles

Making candles yourself is a difficult but rewarding task. It’s exciting and a little unnerving to light the flame on your first handcrafted candle as you wait to see how it works.

Did the top form as smoothly as you anticipated? Is your wick in the middle? How well does the scent throw? You have a lot of questions, and your freshly produced candle will soon provide some answers.

But what if we could offer some guidance to assist you in manufacturing candles while avoiding some of the stress and turmoil associated with your new hobby? Continue reading as this post will reveal important lessons everyone wishes they had known earlier in candle making career.

1. Keep A Running List Of Notes

Science has produced candle performances. You must follow the same procedure each time if you want the same outcome, but knowing what works is even more crucial.

Keep a journal of your observations as you test-burn and pour each batch. When pouring, keep the following in mind:

  • Time and date
  • wax type
  • Type of fragrance
  • Wit size
  • sized glass
  • Room temperature

2. In The Case Of Aroma, Little Is More

It makes a lot of sense. Better fragrance throw equates to more fragrance. There are, however, many additional factors at play when wax and aroma are combined. Tests are important because of this.

Some fragrance oils are just stronger and don’t require much to give you a pleasant scent, while others need more but don’t perform as intensely as others.

Testing different fragrance oil percentages, pour temperatures, curing times, etc. will all affect the hot throw of your candle, thus investing your time in these testing is a much better use of your time than simply adding more fragrance oil.

3. Each Fragrance Oil’s Cold Throw And Hot Throw Might Differ Significantly

When your candle is not lighted, it is releasing a cold throw of fragrance; when it is lit and emitting a hot throw of fragrance; and when it first releases fragrance oil from the bottle, it is emitting fragrance.

Expect that the aroma “out of the bottle” and the aroma of your finished candle may differ slightly because each of them can offer quite a diverse sensory experience. Another justification for the significance of candle testing is this.

Different times and intensities will be used to reveal the base, middle, and top notes. It’s crucial to keep in mind that customers will probably smell your candles first through a cold throw before taking them home to experience a hot throw.

The full depth of the smell is perceived during the hot throw, which is typically the most complex aroma. Without a doubt, a fragrance will transform from a chilly throw to a hot throw, so don’t be scared to test it “out of the bottle”!

4. Show Patience!

Being patient is a virtue, especially when manufacturing candles.

It takes time to test. Your candles need time to cure (generally a week or two weeks gives primo results for your fragrance, depending on the oil). It takes time to refine your abilities and discover your favorite wax.

It is also beneficial to test your candles during different seasons so you can be sure they will work well during both the warmer and colder months. If you intend to light candles in diverse climates or sell candles to customers from all over the nation or the world, this is very crucial.


Making candles is an excellent method to practice mindfulness, and it has even been found to enhance mental health. It’s satisfying to use your imagination to create fresh fragrances with wax. The field of candle making includes the use of various tools and offers tons of possibilities and opportunities. If you can take notes as you go and use good quality candle-making supplies, you’ll get better results faster.